Calvin Leete PTO
*New PTO Membership Sign-up Drive*
Class with the most new sign-ups wins (by end of October)!
Teacher Welcome Back Luncheon, Sept. 7:
Drop off items in staff room (not cafeteria!) from 9:30am-10am. Label any personal bowls/platters (Disposable items are ok, too!) Please provide appropriate serving utensils for your dish. Thank you for helping out - the teachers always love this lunch!
Back-To-School Night, Sept. 15:
Look for an email today or tomorrow from Mr. Grimm with definite info on times.
4th Grade Float, Sept. 17:
Come and see the 4th Graders and their float in the Guilford Citizens' Day Parade at 10am.
School Picture Day, Oct. 4:
Look for the information packet and order form soon in your child's backpack.
We made our goal this year! The new sensory spinning equipment was installed over spring break. From all reports, the kids are loving it!
Our last phase of renovation is about $8,000 to replace the 4th grade swings and add an accessible swing. Donations are always welcome...
* We are a 501c3 nonprofit and your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of law.
Register to get PTO emails & events info!
Now you can do all this online:
register your family for important email communications
join the PTO & access our directory
sign up to volunteer for events
check our calendar
like our Facebook page
Click the red button above to register for emails. (You can pay dues and join the PTO later, just sign up today...)
Psst! You can also follow our Facebook page by clicking the "Like" button on it on this page!
Click here to see open positions