Calvin Leete PTO

*New PTO Membership Sign-up Drive*
Class with the most new sign-ups wins (by end of October)!
There are just 4 steps to registering and joining the PTO online:
Create a Membership Toolkit Account
Fill out your Family Information & Directory and Publishing Preferences
Fill out the Volunteer Interests Form
Fill out the PTO Membership Form and complete your payment
We have video tutorials to help you with the first 3 steps. They are very short, 2-3 minutes tops, and show just the screen as you go through the steps to register. Click on a title below to watch.
Step 1: Create a Membership Toolkit Account
Step 1 creates the account that you use to access our entire online directory, sign up to volunteer for events and shop our online store for memberships, donations, Cougar Wear (coming soon), and event tickets.
Step 2: Family Information & Publishing Preferences
Step 2 is where you enter your contact information and your student(s)'s names, grades and teachers. This gets you in our email database for all those important communications. Then you choose whether or not you want your information to be published in the directory (or which information, i.e., just your email not your phone number and address).
Step 3: Volunteer Interests Form
Step 3 is where you tell us how you are interested in helping our school. There are a lot of options for volunteering at school, from home or at certain events. The person chairing the event or committee you sign up for will contact you on how you can help.
You can still register for emails or join the it today!
Don't wait.
Do it today.
You think there is plenty of time.
There is not. There never is.
You will totally forget.
Do. It. Now.
Step 4 doesn't have a video, but we'll show you how to do it right here!
Step 4: Pay Dues or Make a Donation and Join the PTO
From your Calvin Leete PTO Online Registration & Sales home page, scroll down to the Online Sales: Event TIckets, Donations & More! section and select PTO Membership - Pay Dues Here.

Next, make your selections from the online store. This person chose:
a Family PTO Membership (note: change the quantity from 0 to 1)
an additional donation of $25 for our fall (non)fundraiser *
a $1.00 donation for the online convenience fee (based on the total amount of all her donations $20+$25+$10=$55 and the fee chart, which she opened by clicking the word "more." You can see the word "less" in purple there now.) **
and gave $10 for the special request for new recess toys

Yes! You can register from your tablet!
Yes! You can register from your phone!
What are you waiting for?
Do it now!

* If you'd like to donate an amount not listed, don't select any of the bubbled amounts under "I'd like to donate a bit more." Instead, type the amount you'd like into the box next to "I'd prefer to choose my own donation amount." It can be $5 or $27 or $500 or anything else you want!
** Please consider donating the online convenience fee for credit card transactions so your entire donation goes to the PTO. The fees are small, but they add up for us! Any amount is appreciated, but if you'd like to be close without doing the math yourself, there are some ballpark examples if you click "more."
Make your membership and donation selections
Scroll down and click "Save and Continue" (on the bottom right corner of your screen)
Click on the words "shopping cart" in the upper right corner of your screen (or there is a "Proceed to Checkout" button on the bottom left corner of your home screen)

You'll have the option of "Pay Now with a Credit Card" or "Pay Later Offline" after you click on "shopping cart" or "Proceed to Checkout."
If you choose to use a credit card, just follow the prompts to enter your payment information (we never keep it - we store no financial information). The next screen is a confirm your order screen, so be sure you click "Place Order." Your order is complete and you will receive an email confirmation and get instant access to the online directory!
If you choose "Pay Later Offline," you also need to confirm your order and click "Place Order." However, your order is not complete until you send in your cash or check payment. Please print a copy of your confirmation email and enclose it with your payment so we know what it's for when it shows up at our box in the office. It may take up to 7 days for your order to be completed once we receive payment, but it will happen!
Still have questions?